Our process is simple.

Working with some of the top money managers in Canada and globally, we have steered our clients' investment assets through good markets and bad times and never wavered from our thoughtful approach. Our process is simple, it requires the discipline to remain consistent that rewards our clients over the long-term. We work hard to minimize short-term losses but our focus is on making our clients successful in the long run. Our investment dealer is Manulife Wealth Inc., subsidiary of Manulife Financial, a name that Canadians have trusted for over 125 years.

Customized financial plan.

For those who qualify, our process begins with extensive conversations to determine your goals and objectives, risk tolerance and investment horizon. Following these conversations, we develop a financial plan that fits your life’s goals. We implement the plan by constructing a core portfolio using a combination of exchange traded funds (ETFs) and money managers with long-term track records of success. Our patience and confidence in our research-based approach has served our clients well. We can further customize your portfolio by adding individual securities, such as stocks and bonds. Review meetings to discuss life events and portfolio changes always occur as they are needed.

Meaningful value.

Our standard account fee is transparent, inclusive and provides our clients meaningful value. We are always mindful of managing your costs. We believe it is important to link our compensation directly to our clients’ success.